E Comp Gary Jeffries LGCR describes this informative event.

W Bros Wayne Hirst PGStB, Derek Muston SLGR and Kevin Saunders LGR, supported by W Bro John Peters PJGD Metropolitan Grand Inspector, attended Richard Eve Lodge on 6th March 2020 to present the Playlet “Talking Heads - the Next Step into the Royal Arch”.

Bro John is an Honorary Member of Richard Eve Chapter 2772 and organised this thirty- five minute presentation through the Chapter Secretary and Martin Jones LGR (the Lodge RA Representative) who is also a member of the eponymous Chapter.

The Talking Heads “Playlet” is designed to whet the appetite of those not in the Holy Royal Arch and to consider the completion of their journey in pure ancient freemasonry by joining the order which is inextricably linked to Craft Masonry. The presentation covers the history of the Order and discusses the time and financial commitments involved in being a member.

The team delivered a most informative and interesting presentation by way of this introduction to Royal Arch Masonry, which prompted three of the brethren present to ask for Royal Arch joining forms, a clear indication of the success of the evening.

Following on from the “Playlet” was a most interesting and informative presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to Brothers Martin Hart, Ben Hartley and Tom Jones, delivered in such a fashion that skilfully introduced the recipients to a further reinforcement of why the Royal Arch is the natural progression from Craft Masonry. W Bro Alastair Redpath-Stevens SGD Metropolitan Grand Inspector attending the Lodge Meeting to support the Talking Heads presentation as part of an Official Visit also talked about the close links between the two orders.

The Brethren were reminded of the other Royal Arch Awareness initiatives being offered by Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, such as the RA Awareness Evenings being hosted throughout the year. These events are accessible for booking through Porchway or through the Visiting Officer and Royal Arch Representative network.

The “Talking Heads” Teams have presented on more than two hundred occasions both in London and in Provinces throughout England and are available to present to Lodges on an ongoing basis. W Bro Russell Woodland is the Metropolitan Coordinator for this initiative and can be contacted via Porchway or through the Lodge VO/SVO.

The evening also marked the 50th appearance as a Talking Heads presenter by Bro Wayne which was acknowledged by Bro John who thanked him for his commitment to the team and RA Masonry in general. The evening in the Temple was ‘rounded off’ by the most generous presentation from the Lodge, of a cheque to Bro John of £500 in favour of the London Freemasons’ Charity Fire Brigade appeal as a thank you to the Talking Heads Team.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 40 April 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 40 here.