W Bro Michael D J Wilkey SLGR, Secretary, explains how “First there was the idea. The idea became a word and the word became a Masonic Lodge”
In 2014 the current Master, W Bro Issa Tahhan, recognised that some of the other Livery Masters were Freemasons which gave him the idea of a special and unique working lodge for Livery Masters and Past Masters in the City of London.
The idea was firstly to promote Freemasonry in the City of London, and secondly to keep us in touch with our brothers for years to come.
Capt. Sam Judah (Master Mariner), Bryan Spearman (Master Firefighter) and Capt. Terry Jewell (Past Master Mariner and Superintendent of the Wellington Trust) with Bro Issa developed a proposal for a lodge for those who are Livery Masters and Past Masters.
An approach was made to RW Bro Alderman Sir David Wootton, Assistant Grand Master, who was Lord Mayor in 2011 / 2012, the conclusion being “This is a very good idea!”
Our first meeting was on board HQS Wellington on 5 March 2015 and it was agreed that Bro David be our Primus Master, W Bro Terry Jewell our Founding Immediate Past Master, W Bro Sam Judah our Founding Senior Warden, Bro Issa the Founding Junior Warden and W Bro Bryan Spearman the Founding Director of Ceremonies. These five are the core Founders of the new lodge. It was also suggested that the name of the Lodge was to be “ Wellington Livery Masters’ Lodge” in line with our suggested meeting place.
A further nineteen Livery Past Masters were approached, and the Founding Members of this new Lodge were formed as follows:
Sir David Wootton - Master Fletcher Capt. Sam Judah - Master Mariner
Terry Jewel - Past Master Mariner
Issa K. Tahhan - Master Environmental Cleaners
Bryan Spearman - Master Firefighter Paul Holder - Master Carmen
Paul ven de Heyde - Master Furniture Makers Graham Flight - Master Loriners
David Clover - Past Master Painter Stainers Michael Jones - Master Plaisterers
Derek Thornton - Master Upholder Andrew Marsden - Master Marketors
Peter Cowland - Past Master Firefighter
Yasha Beresiner - Past Master Makers of Playing Cards Sir Andrew Parmley - Musicians
Christopher Robinson - Past Master Cutlers
Ian Kelly - Past Master Butchers Michael Zuckerman - Past Masters Cooper
Edward Sankey - Past Master Management Consultants Derek Ross - Past Master Arbitrators
Lance Shaw - Master Cordwainers Robin Furber - Master Pewterers
Capt.Michael Davis-Marks - Master Maker of Playing Cards Reginald Denby - Past Master Carmen
James Newman OBE - Past Master Marketor
At that time a new Lodge was not able to be consecrated and therefore approaches were made to other lodges which were looking to hand in their Warrants. This resulted in an agreement being made with Yarborough Centenary Lodge No. 6991 whose members were then free to attend any future meetings of the newly named lodge.
The First meeting of the Lodge was held on 14 February 2017 at which Bro David was installed by RW Bro Simon Duckworth DepMetGM, the member Livery Masters and Past Masters were installed into the offices of the Lodge, and 28 new joining members were proposed. On 19 June 2017 the Wellington Livery Master’s Lodge met and The Metropolitan Grand Master R W Bro Sir Michael Snyder was received. On 18 September 2017 the Lodge conducted its first initiation - Brother Barrie Stewart (Banner Bearer). Currently the Lodge has 43 subscribing members and two honorary members. The Lodge still meets on HMS Wellington and Bro Issa is the current Master.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 40 April 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 40 here.