An update from the Chairman, W Bro Dudley Price PAGDC.
In the depths of winter on a day in early February when it ceased momentarily to rain, the more adventurous of the Kent Club journeyed to Bristol, where they were entertained on a Saturday afternoon and evening by Canynges Lodge No 1388, treated by the Worshipful Master W Bro John Geater and his team to a magnificent live rendition of a double raising - conducted according to the famous Bristol working.
It was very different for those who have only experienced the more common rituals. The placing of officers within the lodge is different, as is the placement of some of the lodge furniture. Some of the signs are in part reminiscent of Scottish Masonry. Our hosts were generous to a fault and the father of the Lodge, ex- T ank Commander and Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW Bro Roy Howes, PGSwdB, at the age of 92 not only responded to the salutation but also managed to stay until the end of the evening, despite being hampered by the aftermath of a stroke which curtailed his ability to recount tales from the past.
We, including wives and partners, were treated to a short tour of the interesting building, guided by W Bro George Henderson, the second oldest member of the Lodge, both in terms of membership and age.
Following Second World War bomb damage, the building was rebuilt over a period of 7 or so years, during which all 32 lodges which met there were dispersed around pubs in Bristol and just outside the city boundaries in the Masonic Halls in Gloucester and Somerset.
Those of us who were able stayed over the following day to enjoy a “Blue Badge Tour” of the City, before returning home. All in all a very pleasant and informative visit to this most ancient and unique of Provinces, and certainly one which satisfied the requirement to make a daily advancement in our Masonic knowledge.
Now that Spring is on the horizon the events team is planning the programme for the ensuing year and much is being discussed - an interview of a senior active Metropolitan Officer; some petrol-headed visits (the Goodwood Festival of Speed or perhaps a Daytona High Speed Karting event); maybe an immersive experience such as a themed Prohibition candlelit Club or perhaps Cocktails at Sherlock Holmes or the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Also in view is a potential visit to the state rooms at Buckingham Palace, a wine- tasting evening or a medieval banquet.
The Club’s AGM will be held on 21st April at which there will be an opportunity to join the committee as new members and ideas are always welcome and a new Chairman will be elected. Then, of course, there is the annual dinner on 20 May at which the Guest of Honour will be the Metropolitan Grand Master, Sir Michael Snyder - always an evening of good food, wine and excellent company! We will be supporting many of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge events.
Clearly we cannot arrange everything in a single year, and the way to find out what is happening is to regularly check the events page on our website at; It is your club and events will be what you tell us you want - so keep looking, come along and join us, no regalia and informal (with the exception of Lodge visits and the Annual Dinner, which is Black Tie) but most of all FUN!
The Kent Club for London Freemasons organises social events for Masons and their families. Founded in 2010 and named in honour of The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent, it encourages friendship and companionship amongst like-minded brethren, from the newly initiated to the most senior.
The Club is not a Lodge; regalia is not worn and events range in formality from impromptu get-togethers for drinks to formal black tie dinners at prestigious London venues.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 40 April 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 40 here.