VW Bro John Parry PGSwdB, MetGL Special Interest Lodge Inspector
The Special Interest Lodges (SIL) initiative is evolving well.
Initially it was about offering an option to ailing Lodges in order to rejuvenate them. Then it was about a fun second touchpoint for members, building membership with Joiners and expanding membership with Initiates. Now it is all of those things with the added bonus of unattached Masons returning to the fold.
As Lodges and Chapters become aware of SIL/Cs, they are approaching the SIL support team to help them flourish.
There are two elements that we’ve always been keen to emphasise. First, to raise awareness of Masonry in the Sport, Industry, or Theme etc. such that we can look to attract new Candidates. Second, we also seek to adopt a Sport, Industry or Theme-related charity, to support them and generate awareness.
This is an initial and by no means complete list of Special Interest Lodges – others are evolving all the time, and this list will grow as they reach maturity. SILs are particularly welcoming, so please contact them directly to meet likeminded Masons.
Lodge of St James No 765 at Freemasons’ Hall

A vibrant Lodge with a diversified, enthusiastic membership principally although not exclusively focusing on golfing activities both Masonic and non-Masonic. We hold summer golfing events at premier courses and participate in matches with other provinces, flying the flag for golf and Masonry. We have Initiates/Joiners primed ‘on the first tee’ - join us and enjoy the challenge.
Contact Robert Grant, spjgrant@outlook.com
London Rugby Lodge No 857 at Mark Masons’ Hall

We welcome all Brethren with an interest in rugby, whether as players, ex-players, supporters (touch-line or armchair), referees etc. We are also an ‘Initiating Lodge’ and plan to help other Lodges by sharing work. We aim to raise an initial £100k to support junior and youth rugby in under-privileged communities, sharing the spirit of rugby and the love of Freemasonry.
Contact Andrew Crawford, londonrugbylodge@gmail.com
MetGL Comms
Royal Leopold Lodge No 1669 at Mark Masons’ Hall

The Royal Leopold Lodge is the Communications Lodge for those working professionally in, or interested in, marketing, communications and the broader media.
Contact Roderic Glyn-Thomas, rodgtmet@gmail.com
Craft Beer
Horus Lodge No 3155 at Freemasons’ Hall

We’re all about craft beer - be that brewing or drinking it. We bring craft breweries to our Festive Boards to run paired beer tastings with the meal, and a ‘private pub’ afterwards. Our aim is to bring Masons together socially, and raise money for worthy causes along the way.
Contact Neil Marshall, hello@horus3155.com / @Horus3155 on Twitter
Lodge of Asaph No 1319 at Mark Masons’ Hall

The Lodge of Asaph was founded in 1870 for actors who worked in the Theatres of Drury Lane. In order to return to our roots, we now perform period Masonic historical plays in costume; and are always on the lookout for fresh cast or support members, with or without experience.
Contact Paul Chambers, secretaryasaphl1319@yahoo.co.uk
Athenian Lodge No 8415 at Mark Masons’ Hall

Athenian Lodge No 8415, was founded in 1972 with its connection to the old Athenian Football League. Members have a love and association with all aspects of football.
Contact Ron Hall, ron_hall71@yahoo.co.uk
Islington Lodge No 1471 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Richard Cavanagh, rich-ard.cavanagh@gmail.com
Yorick Lodge No 2771 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Robert Oakley-Watson, bob.oakleywatson@gmail.com
Cloth Fair Lodge No 8055 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Malcolm Bilmen, sect5417@aol.com
Broomfield Lodge No 4411 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Barry Prior, bar-ry.prior@backhouses.co.uk
St John's Lodge No 80 at Mark Masons' Hall
Contact Mark Sharp, stjohnsno80sec@gmail.com
Coborn Lodge No 1804 at Chingford Masonic Hall
Contact John Stew, john.stew@btinternet.com
Citizen Lodge No 2911 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Rolf Kurth, secretary@citizenlodge.london
F1 Motor Racing
Formula One Lodge No 4168 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact Darren Knight, secretary@f1lodge.com
Classic Vehicles
Dulwich Park Lodge No 5794 at Freemasons' Hall
Contact John Dolman, johndol-man1944@gmail.com

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 52 August 2023 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 52 here.