In conjunction with the Oral Health Foundation, London Masons are supporting National Smile Month across London with a donation of 2,000 specially designed children’s toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste to St. George’s Hospital.
Jose James, Senior Sister at St. George’s told us, “We care for children under many different specialities and with many different health needs from day 0 to 19 years of age across our three wards. As a major trauma centre, children arrive via ambulance and helicopter after terrible trauma and critical illness having not planned to end up in St George’s at the start of their day. A simple thing, a normal thing like being able to maintain some personal hygiene can make a huge impact on their health and wellbeing so for this generous donation we all thank you.”
London has one of the highest levels of tooth decay in young children in particular with many three to five year olds having to attend hospital to have rotten teeth removed under general anaesthetic. Professor Nigel Hunt OBE, Royal College of Surgeons stated “Child tooth decay is a major public health issue and effects around a quarter of five year olds across the country. Ensuring that Children brush their teeth regularly and attend dental check-ups are essential steps in tackling a problem that is 90% preventable”
Sue Affleck Head of Nursing Children’s Services at St George's said “A big thank you for all your support and kindness in your donation, the toothbrushes are fabulous and greatly appreciated.”
Sir Michael Snyder, Metropolitan Grand Master, commented: “Following the success of last year’s donation of 40,000, I am delighted that London Freemasons will be supporting The Oral Health Foundation’s ‘National Smile Month Campaign’ by distributing another 40,000 children’s toothbrushes each with a tube of toothpaste to hospitals and Emergency Departments across all of London’s boroughs. Child tooth decay is a major public health issue in the capital, and London Freemasons are delighted to assist in this battle to improve the health of London’s children.”
Alan Hillman from London Freemasons, who visited St. George’s, said “I was delighted to meet the enthusiastic members of the NHS dental team. London Masons are delighted to be able to help in this vital child health issue. This is just one of the recent London Freemasons Charity grants to support a wide range of London based charities. This donation follows on from a £1,250,000 donation, of a £2.5 million funding pledge from London Freemasons to London Fire Brigade. The funding will provide London Fire Brigade with two extended height aerial vehicles.